Searching for iOS 16.3 Headers

Switch to: 18.1, 17.1, 15.2.1, 14.4, 13.1.3, 12.1, 11.1.2, 11.0.1, 11.0, 10.2, 10.1.1, 9.3.3, 9.0, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0

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Viewing file: UIKitCore-Structs.h   download   logify
UIKitCore-Structs was found in iOS 18.1, 17.1, 16.3, 15.2.1, 14.4, 13.1.3, 12.1
* This header is generated by classdump-dyld 1.0
* on Monday, March 13, 2023 at 1:35:53 AM Eastern European Standard Time
* Operating System: Version 16.3 (Build 20D47)
* Image Source: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UIKitCore.framework/UIKitCore
* classdump-dyld is licensed under GPLv3, Copyright © 2013-2016 by Elias Limneos.

@class UIView, UIAction, _UIImageContentRendition, NSMutableSet, NSMutableDictionary, _UICommandIdentifierDictionary, CADisplay, CADynamicFrameRateSource, NSMutableArray, UIWebPDFView, NSTimer, DOMNode;

typedef struct {
	int field1;
	unsigned char field2;
	G field3;
	P field4;
	o field5;
	int field6;
	n field7;
	t field8;
	unsigned char field9;
	G field10;
	P field11;
	o field12;
	int field13;
	n field14;
	t field15;
	CGSize field16;
	unsigned char field17;
	G field18;
	P field19;
	o field20;
	int field21;
	n field22;
	t field23;
	id field24;
	id field25;
	id field26;
	id field27;
} SCD_Struct_UI0;

typedef struct CGPoint {
	double x;
	double y;
} CGPoint;

typedef struct CGSize {
	double width;
	double height;
} CGSize;

typedef struct CGRect {
	CGPoint origin;
	CGSize size;
} CGRect;

typedef struct {
	int field1;
	CGPoint field2;
	CGPoint field3;
	CGPoint field4;
	CGSize field5;
	id field6;
	id field7;
	id field8;
	id field9;
} SCD_Struct_UI4;

typedef struct _NSZone* NSZoneRef;

typedef struct UIEdgeInsets {
	double top;
	double left;
	double bottom;
	double right;
} UIEdgeInsets;

typedef struct {
	unsigned long long attachment;
	unsigned long long alignment;
	double attachmentOffset;
	double alignmentOffset;
	long long gravity;
} SCD_Struct_UI7;

typedef struct CGAffineTransform {
	double a;
	double b;
	double c;
	double d;
	double tx;
	double ty;
} CGAffineTransform;

typedef struct __IOHIDEvent* IOHIDEventRef;

typedef struct __GSEvent* GSEventRef;

typedef struct {
	long long hour;
	long long minute;
} SCD_Struct_UI11;

typedef struct {
	SCD_Struct_UI11 beginTime;
	SCD_Struct_UI11 endTime;
} SCD_Struct_UI12;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<_UIRegionSolveResult *, std::allocator<_UIRegionSolveResult>> {
	_UIRegionSolveResult __value_;
} compressed_pair<_UIRegionSolveResult *, std::allocator<_UIRegionSolveResult>>;

typedef struct vector<_UIRegionSolveResult, std::allocator<_UIRegionSolveResult>> {
	_UIRegionSolveResult __begin_;
	_UIRegionSolveResult __end_;
	compressed_pair<_UIRegionSolveResult *, std::allocator<_UIRegionSolveResult>> __end_cap_;
} vector<_UIRegionSolveResult, std::allocator<_UIRegionSolveResult>>;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<_UIItemSolveResult *, std::default_delete<_UIItemSolveResult>> {
	_UIItemSolveResult __value_;
} compressed_pair<_UIItemSolveResult *, std::default_delete<_UIItemSolveResult>>;

typedef struct unique_ptr<_UIItemSolveResult, std::default_delete<_UIItemSolveResult>> {
	compressed_pair<_UIItemSolveResult *, std::default_delete<_UIItemSolveResult>> __ptr_;
} unique_ptr<_UIItemSolveResult, std::default_delete<_UIItemSolveResult>>;

typedef struct CGVector {
	double dx;
	double dy;
} CGVector;

typedef struct NSRange {
	unsigned long long location;
	unsigned long long length;
} NSRange;

typedef struct {
	BOOL field1;
	BOOL field2;
	BOOL field3;
	BOOL field4;
	BOOL field5;
	double field6;
	int field7;
} SCD_Struct_UI19;

typedef struct __CFString* CFStringRef;

typedef struct CGPattern* CGPatternRef;

typedef struct CGContext* CGContextRef;

typedef struct __CFCharacterSet* CFCharacterSetRef;

typedef struct {
	_ field1;
	NSRange field2;
	_ field3;
	NSRange field4;
	_ field5;
	NSRange field6;
	_ field7;
	NSRange field8;
} SCD_Struct_UI24;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	double field3;
	long long field4;
} SCD_Struct_UI25;

typedef struct {
	SCD_Struct_UI25 field1;
	SCD_Struct_UI25 field2;
	SCD_Struct_UI25 field3;
	BOOL field4;
	BOOL field5;
	BOOL field6;
} SCD_Struct_UI26;

typedef struct {
	CGPoint field1;
	CGPoint field2;
	double field3;
	double field4;
} SCD_Struct_UI27;

typedef struct CAFrameRateRange {
	float minimum;
	float maximum;
	float preferred;
} CAFrameRateRange;

typedef struct _UIUpdateSequenceItemInternal* UIUpdateSequenceItemInternalRef;

typedef struct NSDirectionalEdgeInsets {
	double top;
	double leading;
	double bottom;
	double trailing;
} NSDirectionalEdgeInsets;

typedef struct {
	unsigned region : 1;
	unsigned extender : 1;
	unsigned unconstrainedPoint : 1;
	unsigned translatedUnconstrainedPoint : 1;
	unsigned effectiveVelocity : 1;
	unsigned projectedPoint : 1;
	unsigned closestPoint : 1;
	unsigned rubberBanding : 1;
	unsigned unconstrainedVector : 1;
	unsigned extentVector : 1;
	unsigned extent : 1;
	unsigned unconstrainedExtentVector : 1;
	unsigned unconstrainedExtent : 1;
	unsigned constrainedFraction : 1;
	unsigned constrainedPoint : 1;
	unsigned constrainedVelocity : 1;
	unsigned presentationPoint : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI31;

typedef struct __CFRunLoopObserver* CFRunLoopObserverRef;

typedef struct NSEdgeInsets {
	double top;
	double left;
	double bottom;
	double right;
} NSEdgeInsets;

typedef struct {
	UIEdgeInsets field1;
	UIEdgeInsets field2;
	UIEdgeInsets field3;
	UIEdgeInsets field4;
	UIEdgeInsets field5;
} SCD_Struct_UI34;

typedef struct CAColorMatrix {
	float m11;
	float m12;
	float m13;
	float m14;
	float m15;
	float m21;
	float m22;
	float m23;
	float m24;
	float m25;
	float m31;
	float m32;
	float m33;
	float m34;
	float m35;
	float m41;
	float m42;
	float m43;
	float m44;
	float m45;
} CAColorMatrix;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	CGRect field3;
	long long field4;
	CGRect field5;
} SCD_Struct_UI36;

typedef struct __CFDictionary* CFDictionaryRef;

typedef struct CGPath* CGPathRef;

typedef struct CATransform3D {
	double m11;
	double m12;
	double m13;
	double m14;
	double m21;
	double m22;
	double m23;
	double m24;
	double m31;
	double m32;
	double m33;
	double m34;
	double m41;
	double m42;
	double m43;
	double m44;
} CATransform3D;

typedef struct CGImage* CGImageRef;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	double field3;
} SCD_Struct_UI41;

typedef struct UIOffset {
	double horizontal;
	double vertical;
} UIOffset;

typedef struct {
	double leadingTargetLayoutWidth;
	double centerTargetLayoutWidth;
	double trailingTargetLayoutWidth;
	long long searchBarLayoutState;
	float searchBarHorizontalCCRPriority;
	double searchBarLeftInset;
	double searchBarRightInset;
	BOOL usesOverflowGroup;
	BOOL hidesTitle;
	BOOL isInitialized;
} SCD_Struct_UI43;

typedef struct CGColor* CGColorRef;

typedef struct {
	BOOL field1;
	BOOL field2;
} SCD_Struct_UI45;

typedef struct {
	unsigned maximumIndices : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI46;

typedef struct {
	id field1;
	id field2;
} SCD_Struct_UI47;

typedef struct {
	unsigned canSelect : 1;
	unsigned canDeselect : 1;
	unsigned didSelect : 1;
	unsigned didDeselect : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI48;

typedef struct {
	id field1;
	BOOL field2;
	BOOL field3;
	BOOL field4;
	BOOL field5;
	BOOL field6;
	BOOL field7;
	BOOL field8;
	BOOL field9;
	BOOL field10;
} SCD_Struct_UI49;

typedef struct shared_ptr<_UIOrderedRangeIndexerImpl> {
	_UIOrderedRangeIndexerImpl __ptr_;
	__shared_weak_count __cntrl_;
} shared_ptr<_UIOrderedRangeIndexerImpl>;

typedef struct shared_ptr<_UIRTreeContainerNode> {
	_UIRTreeContainerNode __ptr_;
	__shared_weak_count __cntrl_;
} shared_ptr<_UIRTreeContainerNode>;

typedef struct {
	BOOL isPreparedForDisplay;
	BOOL hasVisibleSelectedItem;
	BOOL hasDeepHierarchy;
	BOOL hasAtLeastOneVisibleItem;
} SCD_Struct_UI52;

typedef struct {
	unsigned long long field1;
	unsigned long long field2;
	BOOL field3;
	double field4;
	double field5;
	double field6;
} SCD_Struct_UI53;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<long *, std::allocator<long>> {
	long long __value_;
} compressed_pair<long *, std::allocator<long>>;

typedef struct vector<long, std::allocator<long>> {
	long long __begin_;
	long long __end_;
	compressed_pair<long *, std::allocator<long>> __end_cap_;
} vector<long, std::allocator<long>>;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<unsigned long, std::allocator<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *>> {
	unsigned long long __value_;
} compressed_pair<unsigned long, std::allocator<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *>>;

typedef struct _hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> {
	void __next_;
} hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *>;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<unsigned long, std::__unordered_map_hasher<long, std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::hash<long>, std::equal_to<long>, true>> {
	unsigned long long __value_;
} compressed_pair<unsigned long, std::__unordered_map_hasher<long, std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::hash<long>, std::equal_to<long>, true>>;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<float, std::__unordered_map_equal<long, std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::equal_to<long>, std::hash<long>, true>> {
	float __value_;
} compressed_pair<float, std::__unordered_map_equal<long, std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::equal_to<long>, std::hash<long>, true>>;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *>, std::allocator<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *>>> {
	hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> __value_;
} compressed_pair<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *>, std::allocator<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *>>>;

typedef struct _bucket_list_deallocator<std::allocator<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *>> {
	compressed_pair<unsigned long, std::allocator<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *>> __data_;
} bucket_list_deallocator<std::allocator<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *>>;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> **, std::__bucket_list_deallocator<std::allocator<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *>>> {
	void __value_;
	bucket_list_deallocator<std::allocator<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *>> __value_;
} compressed_pair<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> **, std::__bucket_list_deallocator<std::allocator<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *>>>;

typedef struct unique_ptr<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *[], std::__bucket_list_deallocator<std::allocator<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *>>> {
	compressed_pair<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> **, std::__bucket_list_deallocator<std::allocator<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *>>> __ptr_;
} unique_ptr<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *[], std::__bucket_list_deallocator<std::allocator<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *>>>;

typedef struct _hash_table<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::__unordered_map_hasher<long, std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::hash<long>, std::equal_to<long>, true>, std::__unordered_map_equal<long, std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::equal_to<long>, std::hash<long>, true>, std::allocator<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>>> {
	unique_ptr<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *[], std::__bucket_list_deallocator<std::allocator<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *> *>>> __bucket_list_;
	compressed_pair<std::__hash_node_base<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *> *>, std::allocator<std::__hash_node<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, void *>>> __p1_;
	compressed_pair<unsigned long, std::__unordered_map_hasher<long, std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::hash<long>, std::equal_to<long>, true>> __p2_;
	compressed_pair<float, std::__unordered_map_equal<long, std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::equal_to<long>, std::hash<long>, true>> __p3_;
} hash_table<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::__unordered_map_hasher<long, std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::hash<long>, std::equal_to<long>, true>, std::__unordered_map_equal<long, std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::equal_to<long>, std::hash<long>, true>, std::allocator<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>>>;

typedef struct unordered_map<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *, std::hash<long>, std::equal_to<long>, std::allocator<std::pair<const long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>>> {
	hash_table<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::__unordered_map_hasher<long, std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::hash<long>, std::equal_to<long>, true>, std::__unordered_map_equal<long, std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>, std::equal_to<long>, std::hash<long>, true>, std::allocator<std::__hash_value_type<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>>> __table_;
} unordered_map<long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *, std::hash<long>, std::equal_to<long>, std::allocator<std::pair<const long, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *>>>;

typedef struct {
	int commonRowHorizontalAlignment;
	int lastRowHorizontalAlignment;
	int rowVerticalAlignment;
} SCD_Struct_UI66;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<_NSRange *, std::allocator<_NSRange>> {
	_NSRange __value_;
} compressed_pair<_NSRange *, std::allocator<_NSRange>>;

typedef struct vector<_NSRange, std::allocator<_NSRange>> {
	_NSRange __begin_;
	_NSRange __end_;
	compressed_pair<_NSRange *, std::allocator<_NSRange>> __end_cap_;
} vector<_NSRange, std::allocator<_NSRange>>;

typedef struct {
	BOOL field1;
	double field2;
	CGSize field3;
	CGSize field4;
	CGRect field5;
	double field6;
	BOOL field7;
	BOOL field8;
	UIEdgeInsets field9;
} SCD_Struct_UI69;

typedef struct os_unfair_lock_s {
	unsigned _os_unfair_lock_opaque;
} os_unfair_lock_s;

typedef struct __IOHIDManager* IOHIDManagerRef;

typedef struct {
	unsigned effectivePresented : 1;
	unsigned anyDescendantTransitioning : 1;
	unsigned ancestorSheetIDs : 1;
	unsigned descendantHiddenAncestorSheetIDs : 1;
	unsigned hidingUnderneathDescendant : 1;
	unsigned unsafeInsets : 1;
	unsigned marginsWhenFloating : 1;
	unsigned margins : 1;
	unsigned preferredSize : 1;
	unsigned percentFullHeight : 1;
	unsigned hidingUnderneathDescendantForDepthLevel : 1;
	unsigned proposedDepthLevelIncrement : 1;
	unsigned proposedDepthLevel : 1;
	unsigned depthLevel : 1;
	unsigned edgeAttached : 1;
	unsigned dismissesHorizontally : 1;
	unsigned effectiveDismissible : 1;
	unsigned inverted : 1;
	unsigned forcedFullScreen : 1;
	unsigned functionallyFullScreen : 1;
	unsigned percentFullScreen : 1;
	unsigned effectiveKeyboardFrame : 1;
	unsigned stackAlignmentFrame : 1;
	unsigned stacksWithChild : 1;
	unsigned fullHeightUntransformedFrame : 1;
	unsigned fullHeightUntransformedFrameForDepthLevel : 1;
	unsigned dismissOffset : 1;
	unsigned activeDetents : 1;
	unsigned indexOfActiveDetentForTappingGrabber : 1;
	unsigned grabberAction : 1;
	unsigned indexOfCurrentActiveOrDismissDetent : 1;
	unsigned rubberBandExtentBeyondMinimumOffset : 1;
	unsigned rubberBandExtentBeyondMaximumOffset : 1;
	unsigned effectiveAppearance : 1;
	unsigned offsetForCurrentActiveDetent;
	unsigned rawCurrentOffset : 1;
	unsigned currentOffset : 1;
	unsigned nonFullHeightOffset : 1;
	unsigned offsetAdjustment : 1;
	unsigned percentPresented : 1;
	unsigned anyDescendantDragging : 1;
	unsigned untransformedFrame : 1;
	unsigned hostedUntransformedFrame : 1;
	unsigned frameOfPresentedViewInContainerView : 1;
	unsigned touchInsets : 1;
	unsigned cornerRadii : 1;
	unsigned transform : 1;
	unsigned zPosition : 1;
	unsigned percentDimmedFromOffset : 1;
	unsigned percentDimmed : 1;
	unsigned shadowOpacity : 1;
	unsigned alpha : 1;
	unsigned interactionEnabled : 1;
	unsigned scrollInteractionEnabled : 1;
	unsigned shouldPresentedViewControllerControlStatusBarAppearance : 1;
	unsigned shouldDimmingIgnoreTouches : 1;
	unsigned dimmingEnabled : 1;
	unsigned grabberAlpha : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI72;

typedef struct UIRectCornerRadii {
	double topLeft;
	double bottomLeft;
	double bottomRight;
	double topRight;
} UIRectCornerRadii;

typedef struct {
	BOOL didUpdateHighlightProgress;
	BOOL shouldDelayGesture;
	BOOL shouldBeDelayedByGesture;
} SCD_Struct_UI74;

typedef struct {
	BOOL animateContentRotation;
	BOOL preserveHeight;
	BOOL avoidFadingBottomOfContent;
	BOOL skipSnapshotOfEndState;
	BOOL preventAdditveAnimations;
	double contentStretchRightEdgeInset;
	int edgeClip;
} SCD_Struct_UI75;

typedef struct {
	double minimum;
	double preferred;
	double maximum;
} SCD_Struct_UI76;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	double field3;
	double field4;
	BOOL field5;
	BOOL field6;
	BOOL field7;
	BOOL field8;
} SCD_Struct_UI77;

typedef struct {
	UIView* left;
	UIView* right;
	UIView* bottom;
} SCD_Struct_UI78;

typedef struct {
	BOOL initialized;
	UIAction* find;
	UIAction* replace;
	UIAction* matchCase;
	UIAction* wholeWords;
} SCD_Struct_UI79;

typedef struct __DCSDictionary* DCSDictionaryRef;

typedef struct __CFArray* CFArrayRef;

typedef struct {
	unsigned leadingMayBeHidden : 1;
	unsigned trailingMayBeHidden : 1;
	unsigned supplementaryMayBeHidden : 1;
	unsigned allowMixedSideBySideAndOverlay : 1;
	unsigned allowTotalWidthGreaterThanParent : 1;
	unsigned forceOverlay : 1;
	unsigned leadingBorderWidthIsInPixels : 1;
	unsigned trailingBorderWidthIsInPixels : 1;
	unsigned shouldFadeStaticNavBarButton : 1;
	unsigned supplementaryAdoptsPrimaryBackgroundStyle : 1;
	unsigned reserved : 20;
} SCD_Struct_UI82;

typedef union {
	unsigned value;
	SCD_Struct_UI82 flags;
} SCD_Union_UI83;

typedef struct {
	UIEdgeInsets field1;
	UIEdgeInsets field2;
} SCD_Struct_UI84;

typedef struct {
	unsigned val[8];
} SCD_Struct_UI85;

typedef struct {
	unsigned verticalPadding : 1;
	unsigned horizontalPadding : 1;
	unsigned indicatorSpacing : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI86;

typedef struct {
	id field1;
	id field2;
	id field3;
	id field4;
	id field5;
	CGSize field6;
} SCD_Struct_UI87;

typedef struct {
	id field1;
	double field2;
	double field3;
	SCD_Struct_UI87 field4;
	SCD_Struct_UI87 field5;
	SCD_Struct_UI87 field6;
	SCD_Struct_UI87 field7;
	BOOL field8;
} SCD_Struct_UI88;

typedef struct ui_archive_entry* ui_archive_entryRef;

typedef struct ui_archive* ui_archiveRef;

typedef struct CAPoint3D {
	double x;
	double y;
	double z;
} CAPoint3D;

typedef struct atomic_flag {
	AB _Value;
} atomic_flag;

typedef struct {
	unsigned respondToPlacementChangeNotifications : 1;
	unsigned provideHostScrollView : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI93;

typedef struct {
	float x;
	float y;
} SCD_Struct_UI94;

typedef struct {
	SCD_Struct_UI94 position;
} SCD_Struct_UI95;

typedef struct __IOSurface* IOSurfaceRef;

typedef struct CGPDFPage* CGPDFPageRef;

typedef struct CGSVGDocument* CGSVGDocumentRef;

typedef struct CGImageSource* CGImageSourceRef;

typedef struct {
	BOOL regionForLocation;
	BOOL styleForRegion;
	BOOL styleForRegionModifiers;
	BOOL willEnterRegionWithAnimator;
	BOOL willExitRegionWithAnimator;
	BOOL asyncRegionForLocation;
	BOOL targetRegionForDeceleratingCursorWithRequests;
	BOOL regionForRequest;
	BOOL willEnterRegion;
	BOOL willExitRegion;
} SCD_Struct_UI100;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	long long field2;
	double field3;
	double field4;
	double field5;
	double field6;
} SCD_Struct_UI101;

typedef struct {
	id field1;
	unsigned long long field2;
} SCD_Struct_UI102;

typedef struct {
	BOOL shouldBegin;
	BOOL didUpdateCommitTransition;
	BOOL highlighterForPreviewTransition;
	BOOL viewControllerPresentationForPresentingViewController;
	BOOL shouldFinishTransitionToPreview;
	BOOL targetedPreviewForPreviewingAtLocation;
	BOOL overrideViewForCommitPhase;
} SCD_Struct_UI103;

typedef struct opaque_pthread_mutex_t {
	long long __sig;
	char __opaque[56];
} opaque_pthread_mutex_t;

typedef const struct _UISEGestureFeatureSample* UISEGestureFeatureSampleRef;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	double field3;
	double field4;
	double field5;
} SCD_Struct_UI106;

typedef struct CGShading* CGShadingRef;

typedef struct CGColorSpace* CGColorSpaceRef;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	double field3;
	double field4;
	double field5;
	double field6;
	double field7;
	double field8;
	double field9;
} SCD_Struct_UI109;

typedef struct {
	CGRect field1;
	CGRect field2;
	CGRect field3;
} SCD_Struct_UI110;

typedef struct {
	SCD_Struct_UI11 field1;
	0 field2;
	SCD_Struct_UI11 field3;
	0 field4;
	SCD_Struct_UI11 field5;
	0 field6;
} SCD_Struct_UI111;

typedef struct UIBoundingPathBitmapDataSkipRegion {
	unsigned long long y;
	unsigned long long height;
} UIBoundingPathBitmapDataSkipRegion;

typedef struct UIBoundingPathBitmapData {
	unsigned long long width;
	unsigned long long height;
	UIBoundingPathBitmapDataSkipRegion skipRegion;
	unsigned long long nodeCount;
	unsigned long long maximumNodesPerRow;
	unsigned short rows;
} UIBoundingPathBitmapData;

typedef struct UIBoundingPathBitmapDataCorner {
	unsigned long long location;
	unsigned long long radius;
	unsigned long long size;
	BOOL edgePositionsUseLargeValues;
	void referenceEdgePositionsByRow;
	void referenceEdgePositionsByCol;
} UIBoundingPathBitmapDataCorner;

typedef struct {
	long long userInterfaceIdiom;
	double displayScale;
	long long displayGamut;
	long long touchLevel;
	unsigned long long interactionModel;
	unsigned long long primaryInteractionModel;
	long long artworkSubtype;
	long long horizontalSizeClass;
	long long verticalSizeClass;
	long long userInterfaceStyle;
	long long layoutDirection;
	long long forceTouchCapability;
	long long preferredContentSizeCategory;
	double displayCornerRadius;
	long long legibilityWeight;
	long long semanticContext;
	long long presentationSemanticContext;
	long long splitViewControllerContext;
	long long accessibilityContrast;
	long long userInterfaceLevel;
	long long vibrancy;
	long long userInterfaceRenderingMode;
	long long activeAppearance;
	long long focusSystemState;
	long long selectionIsKey;
	long long backlightLuminance;
	long long toolbarItemPresentationSize;
} SCD_Struct_UI115;

typedef struct CMPhotoDecompressionContainer* CMPhotoDecompressionContainerRef;

typedef struct CMPhotoDecompressionSession* CMPhotoDecompressionSessionRef;

typedef struct {
	unsigned isValid : 1;
	unsigned hasImage : 1;
	unsigned hasIndicator : 1;
	unsigned hasProgressIndicator : 1;
	unsigned hasTitle : 1;
	unsigned hasSubtitle : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI118;

typedef struct {
	CGRect buttonBounds;
	CGSize idealSize;
	CGRect imageFrame;
	CGRect indicatorFrame;
	CGRect titleFrame;
	CGRect subtitleFrame;
	CGPoint baselineOffsets;
	SCD_Struct_UI118 flags;
} SCD_Struct_UI119;

typedef struct {
	CGPoint field1;
	CGSize field2;
	CGRect field3;
	CGRect field4;
	CGRect field5;
	CGRect field6;
	CGRect field7;
	SCD_Struct_UI11 field8;
	8 field9;
} SCD_Struct_UI120;

typedef struct {
	_UIImageContentRendition* rendition;
	id contents;
	double drawScale;
} SCD_Struct_UI121;

typedef struct __CFUserNotification* CFUserNotificationRef;

typedef struct __CFRunLoopSource* CFRunLoopSourceRef;

typedef struct __GSKeyboard* GSKeyboardRef;

typedef struct CGGradient* CGGradientRef;

typedef struct {
	unsigned idiom : 6;
	unsigned landscape : 1;
	unsigned split : 1;
	unsigned appearance : 8;
	unsigned rendering : 8;
	unsigned padding : 8;
} SCD_Struct_UI126;

typedef union {
	SCD_Struct_UI126 styling;
	int intValue;
} SCD_Union_UI127;

typedef struct {
	double amount;
	int unit;
} SCD_Struct_UI128;

typedef struct {
	SCD_Struct_UI128 field1[4];
} SCD_Struct_UI129;

typedef struct {
	CGPoint field1;
	double field2;
} SCD_Struct_UI130;

typedef struct {
	CGPoint point;
	double force;
} SCD_Struct_UI131;

typedef struct __CFBoolean* CFBooleanRef;

typedef struct UICollectionUpdateIndexPair {
	long long section;
	long long item;
} UICollectionUpdateIndexPair;

typedef struct UIDragInteractionDriverStateMachine {
	unsigned long long state;
	unsigned long long eventsQueueEnd;
} UIDragInteractionDriverStateMachine;

typedef struct {
	unsigned long long field1;
	CGPoint field2;
	SCD_Struct_UI7 field3;
	unsigned long long field4;
} SCD_Struct_UI135;

typedef struct {
	CGRect field1;
	CGRect field2;
} SCD_Struct_UI136;

typedef struct UIPeripheralAnimationGeometry {
	CGPoint outPosition;
	CGPoint inPosition;
	CGRect bounds;
	CGAffineTransform transform;
	double targetFrameHeightDelta;
} UIPeripheralAnimationGeometry;

typedef struct __CFStringTokenizer* CFStringTokenizerRef;

typedef struct {
	unsigned dirty : 1;
	double fittingLength;
	CGSize maximumSize;
} SCD_Struct_UI139;

typedef struct {
	unsigned dirty : 1;
	double fittingLength;
	long long startIndex;
	long long numberOfIndicators;
} SCD_Struct_UI140;

typedef struct {
	unsigned dirty : 1;
	NSRange range;
	CGSize contentSize;
} SCD_Struct_UI141;

typedef struct {
	CGSize field1;
	CGRect field2;
	double field3;
	double field4;
} SCD_Struct_UI142;

typedef struct __CTLine* CTLineRef;

typedef union GLKVector3 {
	CAFrameRateRange field1;
	CAFrameRateRange field2;
	CAFrameRateRange field3;
	float v[3];
} GLKVector3;

typedef struct {
	float x;
	float y;
	float z;
	float w;
} SCD_Struct_UI145;

typedef struct {
	GLKVector3 v;
	float s;
} SCD_Struct_UI146;

typedef union GLKQuaternion {
	SCD_Struct_UI145 field1;
	SCD_Struct_UI146 field2;
	float q[4];
} GLKQuaternion;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<unsigned long, std::allocator<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample>> {
	unsigned long long __value_;
} compressed_pair<unsigned long, std::allocator<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample>>;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample **, std::allocator<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample *>> {
	_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample __value_;
} compressed_pair<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample **, std::allocator<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample *>>;

typedef struct _split_buffer<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample *, std::allocator<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample *>> {
	_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample __first_;
	_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample __begin_;
	_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample __end_;
	compressed_pair<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample **, std::allocator<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample *>> __end_cap_;
} split_buffer<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample *, std::allocator<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample *>>;

typedef struct deque<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample, std::allocator<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample>> {
	split_buffer<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample *, std::allocator<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample *>> __map_;
	unsigned long long __start_;
	compressed_pair<unsigned long, std::allocator<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample>> __size_;
} deque<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample, std::allocator<_UIVelocityIntegratorDataSample>>;

typedef struct {
	BOOL shouldBegin;
	BOOL previewForHighlightingAtLocation;
	BOOL shouldPresent;
	BOOL ended;
	BOOL activationStyle;
	BOOL asyncShouldBegin;
	BOOL shouldAllowRapidRestart;
	BOOL shouldAssociateWithDrag;
	BOOL shouldAllowDragAfterDismiss;
	BOOL liveDragPreviewForPresentation;
	BOOL previewForCancellingDragItem;
	BOOL willAnimateDragCancelWithAnimator;
	BOOL dragSessionDidEndForItems;
	BOOL interactionEffectForTargetedPreview;
	BOOL endedForPresentation;
	BOOL shouldPlayFeedback;
	BOOL shouldPresentWithCompletion;
	BOOL shouldBeDelayedByGestureRecognizer;
	BOOL secondaryPreviews;
} SCD_Struct_UI152;

typedef struct __CFRunLoop* CFRunLoopRef;

typedef struct __CFMessagePort* CFMessagePortRef;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	double field3;
	double field4;
	unsigned long long field5;
} SCD_Struct_UI155;

typedef struct {
	NSMutableSet* keyCommands;
	NSMutableDictionary* menus;
	NSMutableDictionary* actions;
	_UICommandIdentifierDictionary* commands;
	NSMutableDictionary* parentMenuIdentifiers;
	_UICommandIdentifierDictionary* commandParentMenuIdentifiers;
} SCD_Struct_UI156;

typedef struct {
	id field1;
	id field2;
	id field3;
	id field4;
	id field5;
	id field6;
} SCD_Struct_UI157;

typedef struct {
	unsigned long long senderID;
	double controllerState[16];
	double normalizedLeftStickState[4];
	double normalizedRightStickState[4];
	double normalizedShoulderButtonState[4];
} SCD_Struct_UI158;

typedef struct {
	id field1;
	/*function pointer*/void* field2;
	UIStateTransition field3[0_];
} SCD_Struct_UI159;

typedef struct {
	_UIStateMachineMeta field1;
	_ field2;
	U field3;
	unsigned field4;
	unsigned short field5;
	t field6;
	a field7;
	t field8;
	e field9;
	M field10;
	a field11;
	char field12;
	h field13;
	int field14;
	n field15;
	e field16;
	D field17;
	eb field18;
	u field19;
	g field20;
	g field21;
	int field22;
	n field23;
	g field24;
	SCD_Struct_UI159 field25[0];
} SCD_Struct_UI160;

typedef struct __CFRunLoopTimer* CFRunLoopTimerRef;

typedef struct {
	BOOL field1[46];
	char field2[64];
	char field3[64];
	char field4[256];
	int field5;
	int field6;
	int field7;
	int field8;
	char field9[100];
	char field10[100];
	char field11[100];
	char field12[100];
	char field13[100];
	char field14[2][1024];
	unsigned field15;
	unsigned field16;
	unsigned field17 : 1;
	unsigned field18 : 1;
	int field19;
	int field20;
	unsigned field21 : 1;
	unsigned field22;
	unsigned field23;
	int field24;
	unsigned field25;
	char field26[150];
	int field27;
	int field28;
	unsigned field29 : 1;
	unsigned field30 : 1;
	unsigned field31 : 1;
	char field32[256];
	unsigned field33 : 1;
	unsigned field34 : 1;
	unsigned field35 : 1;
	unsigned field36 : 2;
	unsigned field37 : 2;
	unsigned field38 : 1;
	unsigned field39;
	unsigned field40 : 1;
	unsigned field41 : 1;
	unsigned field42 : 1;
	char field43[256];
	char field44[256];
	char field45[100];
	unsigned field46 : 1;
	unsigned field47 : 1;
	unsigned field48 : 1;
	unsigned field49 : 1;
	unsigned field50 : 1;
	double field51;
	unsigned field52 : 1;
	unsigned field53 : 1;
	unsigned field54 : 1;
	char field55[100];
	char field56[100];
	char field57[256];
	char field58[256];
} SCD_Struct_UI162;

typedef struct UIUpdateInputState {
	int mode;
	unsigned long long earliestModelTime;
	unsigned long long latestModelTime;
} UIUpdateInputState;

typedef struct {
	_UIUpdateInputInternal le_next;
	_UIUpdateInputInternal le_prev;
} SCD_Struct_UI164;

typedef struct UIUpdateInputInternal {
	UIUpdateInputState _state;
	unsigned _flags;
	_UIUpdateInputSet _set;
	SCD_Struct_UI164 _setEntry;
	/*function pointer*/void* _readyForModelTimeCallback;
	void _context;
	char* _name;
} UIUpdateInputInternal;

typedef struct {
	int policy;
	long long receiveDeadline;
} SCD_Struct_UI166;

typedef struct {
	BOOL itemIsEnabled[46];
	char timeString[64];
	char shortTimeString[64];
	char dateString[256];
	int gsmSignalStrengthRaw;
	int secondaryGsmSignalStrengthRaw;
	int gsmSignalStrengthBars;
	int secondaryGsmSignalStrengthBars;
	char serviceString[100];
	char secondaryServiceString[100];
	char serviceCrossfadeString[100];
	char secondaryServiceCrossfadeString[100];
	char serviceImages[2][100];
	char operatorDirectory[1024];
	unsigned serviceContentType;
	unsigned secondaryServiceContentType;
	unsigned cellLowDataModeActive : 1;
	unsigned secondaryCellLowDataModeActive : 1;
	int wifiSignalStrengthRaw;
	int wifiSignalStrengthBars;
	unsigned wifiLowDataModeActive : 1;
	unsigned dataNetworkType;
	unsigned secondaryDataNetworkType;
	int batteryCapacity;
	unsigned batteryState;
	char batteryDetailString[150];
	int bluetoothBatteryCapacity;
	int thermalColor;
	unsigned thermalSunlightMode : 1;
	unsigned slowActivity : 1;
	unsigned syncActivity : 1;
	char activityDisplayId[256];
	unsigned bluetoothConnected : 1;
	unsigned displayRawGSMSignal : 1;
	unsigned displayRawWifiSignal : 1;
	unsigned locationIconType : 2;
	unsigned voiceControlIconType : 2;
	unsigned quietModeInactive : 1;
	unsigned tetheringConnectionCount;
	unsigned batterySaverModeActive : 1;
	unsigned deviceIsRTL : 1;
	unsigned lock : 1;
	char breadcrumbTitle[256];
	char breadcrumbSecondaryTitle[256];
	char personName[100];
	unsigned electronicTollCollectionAvailable : 1;
	unsigned radarAvailable : 1;
	unsigned announceNotificationsAvailable : 1;
	unsigned wifiLinkWarning : 1;
	unsigned wifiSearching : 1;
	double backgroundActivityDisplayStartDate;
	unsigned shouldShowEmergencyOnlyStatus : 1;
	unsigned emergencyOnly : 1;
	unsigned secondaryCellularConfigured : 1;
	char primaryServiceBadgeString[100];
	char secondaryServiceBadgeString[100];
	char quietModeImage[256];
	char quietModeName[256];
} SCD_Struct_UI167;

typedef struct {
	BOOL field1[46];
	unsigned field2 : 1;
	unsigned field3 : 1;
	unsigned field4 : 1;
	unsigned field5 : 1;
	unsigned field6 : 1;
	unsigned field7 : 1;
	unsigned field8 : 1;
	unsigned field9 : 1;
	unsigned field10 : 2;
	unsigned field11 : 1;
	unsigned field12 : 1;
	unsigned field13 : 1;
	unsigned field14 : 1;
	unsigned field15 : 1;
	unsigned field16 : 1;
	unsigned field17 : 1;
	unsigned field18 : 1;
	unsigned field19 : 1;
	unsigned field20 : 1;
	unsigned field21 : 1;
	unsigned field22 : 1;
	unsigned field23 : 1;
	unsigned field24 : 1;
	unsigned field25 : 1;
	unsigned field26 : 1;
	unsigned field27 : 1;
	unsigned field28;
	unsigned field29 : 1;
	unsigned field30 : 1;
	unsigned field31 : 1;
	unsigned field32 : 1;
	unsigned field33 : 1;
	unsigned field34 : 1;
	unsigned field35 : 1;
	unsigned field36 : 1;
	SCD_Struct_UI167 field37;
} SCD_Struct_UI168;

typedef struct {
	unsigned long long field1;
	BOOL field2;
	BOOL field3;
	double field4;
	double field5;
} SCD_Struct_UI169;

typedef struct {
	unsigned long long direction;
	unsigned long long targetSwipeState;
	BOOL animated;
	double xOffset;
	double initialSpringVelocity;
	double springStiffness;
} SCD_Struct_UI170;

typedef struct {
	unsigned long long direction;
	BOOL primaryActionIsDestructive;
	BOOL primaryActionCanBeTriggeredBySwipe;
	double openThreshold;
	double confirmationThreshold;
} SCD_Struct_UI171;

typedef struct {
	unsigned supportsTextReplacement : 1;
	unsigned shouldReplaceFoundTextInRange : 1;
	unsigned replaceFoundTextInRange : 1;
	unsigned replaceAllOccurrencesOfQueryString : 1;
	unsigned willHighlightFoundTextRange : 1;
	unsigned scrollRangeToVisible : 1;
	unsigned shouldBeginTextSearchOperation : 1;
	unsigned didBeginTextSearchOperation : 1;
	unsigned didEndTextSearchOperation : 1;
	unsigned searchResultDisplayStyle : 1;
	unsigned selectedTextSearchDocument : 1;
	unsigned compareOrderFromDocument : 1;
	unsigned compareFoundRangeToRange : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI172;

typedef struct CACornerRadii {
	CGSize minXMaxY;
	CGSize maxXMaxY;
	CGSize maxXMinY;
	CGSize minXMinY;
} CACornerRadii;

typedef struct UIUpdateRequest {
	unsigned flags;
	unsigned minRate;
	unsigned preferredRate;
	unsigned maxRate;
	unsigned long long phase;
	unsigned long long load;
} UIUpdateRequest;

typedef struct UIUpdateRequestRecord {
	_UIUpdateRequest request;
	unsigned reason;
} UIUpdateRequestRecord;

typedef struct UIScrollViewVFDLookupState {
	CAFrameRateRange staticRateRangePrevious;
	CAFrameRateRange staticRateRangeCurrent;
	unsigned short staticRateRangeFramesPrevious;
	unsigned short staticRateRangeFramesCurrent;
} UIScrollViewVFDLookupState;

typedef struct {
	BOOL overrideItemIsEnabled[46];
	unsigned overrideTimeString : 1;
	unsigned overrideDateString : 1;
	unsigned overrideGsmSignalStrengthRaw : 1;
	unsigned overrideSecondaryGsmSignalStrengthRaw : 1;
	unsigned overrideGsmSignalStrengthBars : 1;
	unsigned overrideSecondaryGsmSignalStrengthBars : 1;
	unsigned overrideServiceString : 1;
	unsigned overrideSecondaryServiceString : 1;
	unsigned overrideServiceImages : 2;
	unsigned overrideOperatorDirectory : 1;
	unsigned overrideServiceContentType : 1;
	unsigned overrideSecondaryServiceContentType : 1;
	unsigned overrideWifiSignalStrengthRaw : 1;
	unsigned overrideWifiSignalStrengthBars : 1;
	unsigned overrideDataNetworkType : 1;
	unsigned overrideSecondaryDataNetworkType : 1;
	unsigned disallowsCellularDataNetworkTypes : 1;
	unsigned overrideBatteryCapacity : 1;
	unsigned overrideBatteryState : 1;
	unsigned overrideBatteryDetailString : 1;
	unsigned overrideBluetoothBatteryCapacity : 1;
	unsigned overrideThermalColor : 1;
	unsigned overrideSlowActivity : 1;
	unsigned overrideActivityDisplayId : 1;
	unsigned overrideBluetoothConnected : 1;
	unsigned overrideBreadcrumb : 1;
	unsigned overrideLock;
	unsigned overrideDisplayRawGSMSignal : 1;
	unsigned overrideDisplayRawWifiSignal : 1;
	unsigned overridePersonName : 1;
	unsigned overrideWifiLinkWarning : 1;
	unsigned overrideSecondaryCellularConfigured : 1;
	unsigned overridePrimaryServiceBadgeString : 1;
	unsigned overrideSecondaryServiceBadgeString : 1;
	unsigned overrideQuietModeImage : 1;
	SCD_Struct_UI167 values;
} SCD_Struct_UI177;

typedef struct __CFMachPort* CFMachPortRef;

typedef struct __CTFontDescriptor* CTFontDescriptorRef;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	long long field3;
} SCD_Struct_UI180;

typedef struct {
	BOOL previewForHighlighting_DEPR;
	BOOL previewForDismissing_DEPR;
	BOOL highlightPreviewForItem;
	BOOL dismissalPreviewForItem;
	BOOL willPerformPreviewAction;
	BOOL willDisplay;
	BOOL willEndForConfiguration;
	BOOL styleForMenu;
	BOOL accessoriesForMenu;
	BOOL failedToBeginForSecondaryClickAtLocation;
	BOOL shouldBeDelayedByGestureRecognizer;
	BOOL asyncConfigurationForMenuAtLocation;
	BOOL overrideSuggestedActions;
	BOOL shouldAttemptToPresent;
} SCD_Struct_UI181;

typedef struct {
	BOOL field1;
	BOOL field2;
	CGSize field3;
} SCD_Struct_UI182;

typedef struct __CFSet* CFSetRef;

typedef struct objc_ivar* objc_ivarRef;

typedef struct {
	CAPoint3D field1;
	double field2;
	long long field3;
	long long field4;
	long long field5;
	BOOL field6;
} SCD_Struct_UI185;

typedef struct {
	BOOL regionForRequest;
	BOOL styleForRegion;
	BOOL willEnterRegionAnimator;
	BOOL willExitRegionAnimator;
	BOOL asyncRegionForRequest;
	BOOL targetRegionForDeceleratingPointerWithRequests;
} SCD_Struct_UI186;

typedef struct {
	CGPoint field1;
	unsigned long long field2;
} SCD_Struct_UI187;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<ui_size_cache_value *, std::allocator<ui_size_cache_value>> {
	/*function pointer*/void* __value_;
} compressed_pair<ui_size_cache_value *, std::allocator<ui_size_cache_value>>;

typedef struct ui_size_cache {
	/*function pointer*/void* __begin_;
	/*function pointer*/void* __end_;
	compressed_pair<ui_size_cache_value *, std::allocator<ui_size_cache_value>> __end_cap_;
} ui_size_cache;

typedef struct UIInstrumentedCADisplay {
	CADisplay* direct;
} UIInstrumentedCADisplay;

typedef struct UIInstrumentedCADynamicFrameRateSource {
	CADynamicFrameRateSource* direct;
} UIInstrumentedCADynamicFrameRateSource;

typedef struct {
	CGPoint field1;
	CGPoint field2;
	SCD_Struct_UI27 field3;
} SCD_Struct_UI192;

typedef struct {
	CGPoint dampingRatioState;
	CGPoint responseState;
	double tension;
	double friction;
} SCD_Struct_UI193;

typedef struct {
	double targetValue;
	double tension;
	double friction;
	long long displacementFunction;
} SCD_Struct_UI194;

typedef struct {
	SCD_Struct_UI194 dampingRatioParameters;
	SCD_Struct_UI194 responseParameters;
	SCD_Struct_UI194 targetParameters;
	BOOL dampingRatioSmoothingDisabled;
	BOOL responseSmoothingDisabled;
	BOOL targetSmoothingDisabled;
} SCD_Struct_UI195;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	BOOL field3;
	BOOL field4;
	double field5;
	double field6;
	double field7;
	double field8;
	double field9;
	double field10;
	double field11;
} SCD_Struct_UI196;

typedef struct {
	double dampingRatio;
	double response;
	BOOL initialDampingRatioSpecified;
	BOOL initialResponseSpecified;
	double initialDampingRatio;
	double initialResponse;
	double dampingRatioSmoothing;
	double responseSmoothing;
	double targetSmoothing;
	double projectionDeceleration;
	double impulse;
} SCD_Struct_UI197;

typedef struct {
	SCD_Struct_UI19 field1;
	4 field2;
	SCD_Struct_UI19 field3;
	4 field4;
	SCD_Struct_UI19 field5;
	4 field6;
	BOOL field7;
	BOOL field8;
	BOOL field9;
} SCD_Struct_UI198;

typedef struct {
	double rotationX;
	double rotationY;
	double rotationZ;
	double scaleX;
	double scaleY;
	double scaleZ;
	double translationX;
	double translationY;
	double translationZ;
} SCD_Struct_UI199;

typedef struct {
	double firstBaseline;
	double lastBaseline;
	CGRect referenceBounds;
	long long measuredNumberOfLines;
	CGRect bounds;
} SCD_Struct_UI200;

typedef struct __CTFrame* CTFrameRef;

typedef struct __CTRun* CTRunRef;

typedef struct {
	unsigned menuForSuggestedActions : 1;
	unsigned targetRectForConfiguration : 1;
	unsigned willPresentAnimator : 1;
	unsigned willDismissAnimator : 1;
	unsigned asyncMenuForSuggestedActions : 1;
	unsigned didTransition : 1;
	unsigned titleView : 1;
	unsigned firstResponderTarget : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI203;

typedef struct {
	NSMutableArray* all;
	NSMutableArray* html;
	NSMutableArray* javascript;
	NSMutableArray* css;
	NSMutableArray* error;
	NSMutableArray* warning;
	NSMutableArray* tip;
	NSMutableArray* log;
} SCD_Struct_UI204;

typedef struct {
	UIWebPDFView* view;
	NSTimer* timer;
} SCD_Struct_UI205;

typedef struct {
	NSTimer* timer;
	CGPoint location;
	long long modifierFlags;
	BOOL isBlocked;
	BOOL isCancelled;
	BOOL isOnWebThread;
	BOOL isDisplayingHighlight;
	BOOL isWriting;
	BOOL attemptedClick;
	CGPoint lastPanTranslation;
	DOMNode* element;
	id delegate;
	id interactionSheet;
	BOOL allowsImageSheet;
	BOOL allowsDataDetectorsSheet;
	BOOL allowsLinkSheet;
	BOOL acceptsFirstResponder;
	double documentScale;
	id previewHintRects;
	id previewHintImage;
} SCD_Struct_UI206;

typedef struct UIWebViewportConfiguration {
	CGSize size;
	float initialScale;
	float minimumScale;
	float maximumScale;
	BOOL allowsUserScaling;
	BOOL allowsShrinkToFit;
	BOOL avoidsUnsafeArea;
} UIWebViewportConfiguration;

typedef struct CGPDFDocument* CGPDFDocumentRef;

typedef struct PDFHistoryItem {
	BOOL restorePending;
	BOOL isInitialScale;
	double zoomScale;
	CGPoint contentOffset;
} PDFHistoryItem;

typedef struct __CTFont* CTFontRef;

typedef struct CGPDFFont* CGPDFFontRef;

typedef struct {
	BOOL highlightPreviewForItemWithIdentifier;
	BOOL dismissalPreviewForItemWithIdentifier;
	BOOL willPerformPreviewAction;
	BOOL willDisplay;
	BOOL willEndForConfiguration;
	BOOL styleForMenu;
	BOOL accessoriesForMenu;
	BOOL failedToBeginForSecondaryClickAtLocation;
	BOOL shouldByDelayedByGestureRecognizer;
	BOOL asyncConfigurationForMenuAtLocation;
	BOOL overrideSuggestedActions;
	BOOL shouldPresent;
	BOOL shouldAllowDragAfterDismiss;
	BOOL shouldAllowSwipeToDismiss;
	BOOL interactionEffectForTargetedPreview;
	BOOL shouldAttemptToPresentConfiguration;
	BOOL previewForHighlighting;
	BOOL previewForDismissing;
	BOOL _dci_secondaryHighlightPreview;
	BOOL _dci_secondaryDismissalPreview;
	BOOL willCommit;
	BOOL willPresent;
	BOOL didEnd;
} SCD_Struct_UI212;

typedef struct UIWebTouchEvent {
	int type;
	double timestamp;
	CGPoint locationInScreenCoordinates;
	CGPoint locationInDocumentCoordinates;
	double scale;
	double rotation;
	BOOL inJavaScriptGesture;
	_UIWebTouchPoint touchPoints;
	unsigned touchPointCount;
	BOOL isPotentialTap;
} UIWebTouchEvent;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<_UIOutlineNode *, std::allocator<_UIOutlineNode>> {
	_UIOutlineNode __value_;
} compressed_pair<_UIOutlineNode *, std::allocator<_UIOutlineNode>>;

typedef struct vector<_UIOutlineNode, std::allocator<_UIOutlineNode>> {
	_UIOutlineNode __begin_;
	_UIOutlineNode __end_;
	compressed_pair<_UIOutlineNode *, std::allocator<_UIOutlineNode>> __end_cap_;
} vector<_UIOutlineNode, std::allocator<_UIOutlineNode>>;

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