Searching for iOS 18.1 Headers

Switch to: 17.1, 16.3, 15.2.1, 14.4, 13.1.3, 12.1, 11.1.2, 11.0.1, 11.0, 10.2, 10.1.1, 9.3.3, 9.0, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0

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Viewing file: UIKitCore-Structs.h   download   logify
UIKitCore-Structs was found in iOS 18.1, 17.1, 16.3, 15.2.1, 14.4, 13.1.3, 12.1
* This header is generated by classdump-dyld 0.1
* on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 11:19:52 PM Eastern European Standard Time
* Operating System: Version 18.1 (Build 22B83)
* Image Source: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UIKitCore.framework/UIKitCore
* classdump-dyld is free of use, Copyright © 2013 by Elias Limneos.

@class _UIMutableFastIndexSet, CADisplay, CADynamicFrameRateSource, NSMutableArray, UIWebPDFView, NSTimer, DOMNode;

typedef struct CGPoint {
	double x;
	double y;
} CGPoint;

typedef struct CGSize {
	double width;
	double height;
} CGSize;

typedef struct CGRect {
	CGPoint origin;
	CGSize size;
} CGRect;

typedef struct NSRange {
	unsigned long long location;
	unsigned long long length;
} NSRange;

typedef struct UIEdgeInsets {
	double top;
	double left;
	double bottom;
	double right;
} UIEdgeInsets;

typedef struct __GSEvent* GSEventRef;

typedef struct _NSZone* NSZoneRef;

typedef struct UIDataSourceUpdateMaps {
	unsigned oldSectionCount;
	unsigned newSectionCount;
	unsigned oldGlobalItemCount;
	unsigned newGlobalItemCount;
	unsigned oldSectionMap;
	unsigned newSectionMap;
	unsigned oldGlobalItemMap;
	unsigned newGlobalItemMap;
	bool updatesAreInvalid;
} UIDataSourceUpdateMaps;

typedef struct __CTFontDescriptor* CTFontDescriptorRef;

typedef struct {
	id field1;
	bool field2;
	bool field3;
	bool field4;
	bool field5;
	bool field6;
	bool field7;
	bool field8;
	bool field9;
	bool field10;
} SCD_Struct_UI9;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	long long field3;
} SCD_Struct_UI10;

typedef struct _UIUpdateSequenceItemInternal* UIUpdateSequenceItemInternalRef;

typedef struct CAPoint3D {
	double x;
	double y;
	double z;
} CAPoint3D;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	double field3;
	double field4;
	unsigned long long field5;
} SCD_Struct_UI13;

typedef struct {
	bool previewForHighlighting_DEPR;
	bool previewForDismissing_DEPR;
	bool highlightPreviewForItem;
	bool dismissalPreviewForItem;
	bool willPerformPreviewAction;
	bool willDisplay;
	bool willEndForConfiguration;
	bool styleForMenu;
	bool accessoriesForMenu;
	bool shouldBeDelayedByGestureRecognizer;
	bool asyncConfigurationForMenuAtLocation;
	bool overrideSuggestedActions;
	bool shouldAttemptToPresent;
	bool interactionEffectForTargetedPreview;
} SCD_Struct_UI14;

typedef struct {
	unsigned long long field1;
	CGPoint field2;
	CGPoint field3;
	CGPoint field4;
	CGSize field5;
	unsigned char field6;
	A field7;
	T field8;
	const  field9;
	a field10;
	n field11;
	short field12;
	float field13;
	o field14;
	const  field15;
	m field16;
	3 field17;
	D field18;
	long long field19;
	id field20;
	id field21;
	id field22;
	id field23;
} SCD_Struct_UI15;

typedef struct {
	unsigned scrubbing : 1;
	unsigned platterExpanded : 1;
	unsigned didScrubPastInitialThreshold : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI16;

typedef struct UIOffset {
	double horizontal;
	double vertical;
} UIOffset;

typedef struct {
	CGPoint point;
	double time;
} SCD_Struct_UI18;

typedef struct CGContext* CGContextRef;

typedef struct __CFRunLoopObserver* CFRunLoopObserverRef;

typedef struct {
	unsigned long long field1;
	id field2;
	unsigned long long field3;
	5Q field4[];
} SCD_Struct_UI21;

typedef struct UIBitSet<256UL> {
	4Q _chunks[];
} UIBitSet<256UL>;

typedef struct {
	_UIMutableFastIndexSet* set;
	UIBitSet<256UL> bitSet;
} SCD_Struct_UI23;

typedef struct CGColor* CGColorRef;

typedef struct CGPath* CGPathRef;

typedef struct {
	unsigned canSelect : 1;
	unsigned canDeselect : 1;
	unsigned didSelect : 1;
	unsigned didDeselect : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI26;

typedef struct __CFCharacterSet* CFCharacterSetRef;

typedef struct {
	unsigned canSelect : 1;
	unsigned didSelect : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI28;

typedef struct __CFStringTokenizer* CFStringTokenizerRef;

typedef struct {
	long long location;
	long long length;
} SCD_Struct_UI30;

typedef struct {
	bool field1;
	bool field2;
	CGSize field3;
} SCD_Struct_UI31;

typedef struct __CFSet* CFSetRef;

typedef struct {
	8I val[];
} SCD_Struct_UI33;

typedef struct objc_ivar* objc_ivarRef;

typedef struct {
	CAPoint3D field1;
	double field2;
	long long field3;
	long long field4;
	long long field5;
	bool field6;
	double field7;
} SCD_Struct_UI35;

typedef struct {
	bool regionForRequest;
	bool styleForRegion;
	bool willEnterRegionAnimator;
	bool willExitRegionAnimator;
	bool asyncRegionForRequest;
	bool targetRegionForDeceleratingPointerWithRequests;
} SCD_Struct_UI36;

typedef struct CGImage* CGImageRef;

typedef struct os_unfair_lock_s {
	unsigned _os_unfair_lock_opaque;
} os_unfair_lock_s;

typedef struct {
	CGPoint field1;
	unsigned long long field2;
} SCD_Struct_UI39;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<ui_size_cache_value *, std::allocator<ui_size_cache_value>> {
	/*function pointer*/ void* __value_;
} compressed_pair<ui_size_cache_value *, std::allocator<ui_size_cache_value>>;

typedef struct ui_size_cache {
	/*function pointer*/ void* __begin_;
	/*function pointer*/ void* __end_;
	compressed_pair<ui_size_cache_value *, std::allocator<ui_size_cache_value>> __end_cap_;
} ui_size_cache;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	CGRect field3;
	long long field4;
	CGRect field5;
} SCD_Struct_UI42;

typedef struct UIInstrumentedCADisplay {
	CADisplay* direct;
} UIInstrumentedCADisplay;

typedef struct UIInstrumentedCADynamicFrameRateSource {
	CADynamicFrameRateSource* direct;
} UIInstrumentedCADynamicFrameRateSource;

typedef struct {
	id field1;
	id field2;
} SCD_Struct_UI45;

typedef struct __CFUserNotification* CFUserNotificationRef;

typedef struct __CFRunLoopSource* CFRunLoopSourceRef;

typedef struct CGAffineTransform {
	double a;
	double b;
	double c;
	double d;
	double tx;
	double ty;
} CGAffineTransform;

typedef struct NSDirectionalEdgeInsets {
	double top;
	double leading;
	double bottom;
	double trailing;
} NSDirectionalEdgeInsets;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	bool field3;
	bool field4;
	double field5;
	double field6;
	double field7;
	double field8;
	double field9;
	double field10;
	double field11;
} SCD_Struct_UI50;

typedef struct __IOHIDEvent* IOHIDEventRef;

typedef struct {
	double field1;
	double field2;
	double field3;
	long long field4;
} SCD_Struct_UI52;

typedef struct {
	SCD_Struct_UI52 field1;
	SCD_Struct_UI52 field2;
	SCD_Struct_UI52 field3;
	bool field4;
	bool field5;
	bool field6;
} SCD_Struct_UI53;

typedef struct {
	CGPoint field1;
	CGPoint field2;
	double field3;
	double field4;
} SCD_Struct_UI54;

typedef struct {
	double firstBaseline;
	double lastBaseline;
	CGRect referenceBounds;
	long long measuredNumberOfLines;
	CGRect bounds;
} SCD_Struct_UI55;

typedef struct __CTFrame* CTFrameRef;

typedef struct __CTRun* CTRunRef;

typedef struct {
	unsigned pagination : 1;
	unsigned selectionFrame : 1;
	unsigned selectionAlpha : 1;
	unsigned scrollToSelectedItem : 1;
	unsigned pageScrollOffset : 1;
	unsigned scrollToSelectedItemBeforeBecomingVisible : 1;
	unsigned editingState : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI58;

typedef struct {
	unsigned entriesUpdated : 1;
	unsigned displayEntriesUpdated : 1;
	unsigned sizeUpdated : 1;
	unsigned highlightedIndexUpdated : 1;
	unsigned deflectionUpdated : 1;
	unsigned deflectionReset : 1;
	unsigned layoutSubviews : 1;
	unsigned drawRect : 1;
	unsigned trackingDidBegin : 1;
	unsigned trackingChangeHysteresis : 1;
	unsigned trackingDidEnd : 1;
	unsigned updateSectionForTouch : 1;
	unsigned highlightStyleUpdated : 1;
	unsigned indexColorUpdated : 1;
	unsigned legibilityWeightOrPreferredContentSizeUpdated : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI59;

typedef struct CGVector {
	double dx;
	double dy;
} CGVector;

typedef struct {
	unsigned menuForSuggestedActions : 1;
	unsigned targetRectForConfiguration : 1;
	unsigned willPresentAnimator : 1;
	unsigned willDismissAnimator : 1;
	unsigned asyncMenuForSuggestedActions : 1;
	unsigned didTransition : 1;
	unsigned titleView : 1;
	unsigned firstResponderTarget : 1;
	unsigned didPerformMenuLeaf : 1;
	unsigned preferredLayoutRects : 1;
} SCD_Struct_UI61;

typedef struct {
	unsigned long long field1;
	unsigned long long field2;
	double field3;
	double field4;
	long long field5;
} SCD_Struct_UI62;

typedef struct UIRectCornerRadii {
	double topLeft;
	double bottomLeft;
	double bottomRight;
	double topRight;
} UIRectCornerRadii;

typedef struct CAFrameRateRange {
	float minimum;
	float maximum;
	float preferred;
} CAFrameRateRange;

typedef struct CATransform3D {
	double m11;
	double m12;
	double m13;
	double m14;
	double m21;
	double m22;
	double m23;
	double m24;
	double m31;
	double m32;
	double m33;
	double m34;
	double m41;
	double m42;
	double m43;
	double m44;
} CATransform3D;

typedef union {
	UIEdgeInsets field1;
} SCD_Union_UI66;

typedef struct {
	NSMutableArray* all;
	NSMutableArray* html;
	NSMutableArray* javascript;
	NSMutableArray* css;
	NSMutableArray* error;
	NSMutableArray* warning;
	NSMutableArray* tip;
	NSMutableArray* log;
} SCD_Struct_UI67;

typedef struct {
	UIWebPDFView* view;
	NSTimer* timer;
} SCD_Struct_UI68;

typedef struct __CFDictionary* CFDictionaryRef;

typedef struct {
	NSTimer* timer;
	CGPoint location;
	long long modifierFlags;
	bool isBlocked;
	bool isCancelled;
	bool isOnWebThread;
	bool isDisplayingHighlight;
	bool isWriting;
	bool attemptedClick;
	CGPoint lastPanTranslation;
	DOMNode* element;
	id delegate;
	id interactionSheet;
	bool allowsImageSheet;
	bool allowsDataDetectorsSheet;
	bool allowsLinkSheet;
	bool acceptsFirstResponder;
	double documentScale;
	id previewHintRects;
	id previewHintImage;
} SCD_Struct_UI70;

typedef struct UIWebViewportConfiguration {
	CGSize size;
	float initialScale;
	float minimumScale;
	float maximumScale;
	bool allowsUserScaling;
	bool allowsShrinkToFit;
	bool avoidsUnsafeArea;
} UIWebViewportConfiguration;

typedef struct CGPDFDocument* CGPDFDocumentRef;

typedef struct PDFHistoryItem {
	bool restorePending;
	bool isInitialScale;
	double zoomScale;
	CGPoint contentOffset;
} PDFHistoryItem;

typedef struct __CTFont* CTFontRef;

typedef struct CGPDFFont* CGPDFFontRef;

typedef struct {
	bool highlightPreviewForItemWithIdentifier;
	bool dismissalPreviewForItemWithIdentifier;
	bool willPerformPreviewAction;
	bool willDisplay;
	bool willEndForConfiguration;
	bool styleForMenu;
	bool accessoriesForMenu;
	bool shouldByDelayedByGestureRecognizer;
	bool asyncConfigurationForMenuAtLocation;
	bool overrideSuggestedActions;
	bool shouldPresent;
	bool shouldAllowDragAfterDismiss;
	bool shouldAllowSwipeToDismiss;
	bool shouldDeferCommitAnimation;
	bool interactionEffectForTargetedPreview;
	bool shouldAttemptToPresentConfiguration;
	bool didPerformMenuLeaf;
	bool previewForHighlighting;
	bool previewForDismissing;
	bool _dci_secondaryHighlightPreview;
	bool _dci_secondaryDismissalPreview;
	bool willCommit;
} SCD_Struct_UI76;

typedef struct {
	bool field1;
	bool field2;
	bool field3;
	bool field4;
	bool field5;
} SCD_Struct_UI77;

typedef struct UIWebTouchEvent {
	int type;
	double timestamp;
	CGPoint locationInScreenCoordinates;
	CGPoint locationInDocumentCoordinates;
	double scale;
	double rotation;
	bool inJavaScriptGesture;
	_UIWebTouchPoint touchPoints;
	unsigned touchPointCount;
	bool isPotentialTap;
} UIWebTouchEvent;

typedef struct CAColorMatrix {
	float m11;
	float m12;
	float m13;
	float m14;
	float m15;
	float m21;
	float m22;
	float m23;
	float m24;
	float m25;
	float m31;
	float m32;
	float m33;
	float m34;
	float m35;
	float m41;
	float m42;
	float m43;
	float m44;
	float m45;
} CAColorMatrix;

typedef struct _compressed_pair<_UIOutlineNode *, std::allocator<_UIOutlineNode>> {
	_UIOutlineNode __value_;
} compressed_pair<_UIOutlineNode *, std::allocator<_UIOutlineNode>>;

typedef struct vector<_UIOutlineNode, std::allocator<_UIOutlineNode>> {
	_UIOutlineNode __begin_;
	_UIOutlineNode __end_;
	compressed_pair<_UIOutlineNode *, std::allocator<_UIOutlineNode>> __end_cap_;
} vector<_UIOutlineNode, std::allocator<_UIOutlineNode>>;

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